Anuron - an Assamese music video from the ChaiTunes series

Anuron - Queen Hazarika, Rupam Bhuyan, Jim Ankan Deka
Anuron - a music video from the ChaiTunes series is the fifth Assamese music video by Jim Ankan Deka. Singers from Assam Queen Hazarika and Rupam Bhuyan have rendered their voices for the song. The post production on the song in underway.

Produced by Eastern Fare Music Foundation and powered by Music Malt, Bangalore, the song is recorded at Eastern Fare Studios in Bangalore, Zero DB Studio, Guwahati, and mixed and mastered at Eastern Fare Studios, Umium.

The video is shot amidst the greens of North-East India. Director of Photography is Avataran famed Tarunabh Dutta and Screenplay and Story by Debjani Hazarika. Camera and videography are handled by Navanit Nilavh and Parth Deuri. Video editing is done at TD Studio, Guwahati and Eastern Fare Studios, Guwahati.

The video features Sangeeta Pachani, winner of miss congeniality 'Sananda Tilottama 2008'.

Anuron - Jim Ankan Deka Feat. Rupam Bhuyan, Queen Hazarika

Listen to Anuron an Assamese song of 2016 free online and download all mp3 songs through Gaana+ app at to listen offline.


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