Rock Hammer at AOM-Indian National Autocross Championship

Ashok Singha and Jim Ankan Deka
(Rock Hammer audition)
(Photo courtesy - INAC)
I was all exited when I got a call from Shiney George of 'AOM - An Open Mind' an event management company in Bangalore, as an invitation to participate as a judge for the Rock Hammer competition, a rock contest for upcoming rock bands of Bangalore organised by INAC - Indian National Autocross Championship. The prelim rounds held on April 18 and finals on April 29, 2012.

The prelim went pretty well and I was accompanied as a judge by another musician from Bangalore, Ashok Singha. In the finals, four bands from Bangalore were selected to play and share the same stage with the Delhi band, Parikrama. The contest was supposed to start by 4PM after the first round of the AOM-Indian National Autocross Championship at the Palace grounds ends. But due to some technical error we, along with the bands and Parikrama had to wait till 8:30PM for the start. All the four bands - Paper Sun, The News, Hungry and Raptura Anima performed really well. The News and Hungry stood out. At the end Hungry were the winners and The News were the 1st runner-up.

Now, though things were little haywire, all the spectators were looking forward for the Parikrama concert at the end of the contest. Suddenly, the MC came on to the stage and announced that the Parikrama show is cancelled. All were dumbfound.

I feel the reason being lack of proper management by the event management company AOM - An Open Mind. It was quite sad when most of the guests had to wait for the cabs to take them back home. We were asked to wait by the organisers for 2 hrs because the cab driver forgot about picking us up at 10PM. Most of the managers and team leaders were not to be seen in the venue and only few interns were present to take care of stuff.

Even though, there was lack of marketing and other things like planning, co-ordination and management, me and couple of my friends had a good time. Thanks to INAC for making the day special.

Singer Ritwika Bhattacharya, Jim Ankan Deka and Ashok Singha (Photo courtesy - Parmita Borah)

INAC - Indian National Autocross Championship

Ashok Singha and Jim Ankan Deka (judges at INAC Rock Hammer competition) (Photo courtesy - Parmita Borah)
Bands performing at the Roch Hammer contest (Photo courtesy - Parmita Borah)

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